Arrange in advance

Arrangements that should, or could be made during pregnancy:

Mothers for Mothers

If you are pregnant between 6 and 17 weeks, you can participate in the collection of urine for Mothers for Mothers. You then help other women, who for hormonal reasons find it difficult to become pregnant. Sign up at:

Maternity care

Before 16 weeks of pregnancy, you must sign in at a maternity care agency. Check with your health care provider for any information about the maternity care agencies that are affiliated to them. Maternity care is important for us, because they carry out the necessary checks for you and your baby. On the days when we visit you, we usually do not have time for this. Maternity care also teaches you how to care for your baby.

Recognition of the child

If you are not married, your unborn child must be officially recognized during the pregnancy. You can do this at the town hall in your hometown. If this is not done before the delivery, then the mother has to go to town hall herself, within three days after the delivery, to register the baby.

Work and pregnancy leave

Pregnant and safe working: Ministerie van Sociale Zaken en Werkgelegenheid
Pregnancy leave employment: Postbus 51
Pregnancy leave employer: UWV
We can give you a pregnancy statement to inform your employer about your pregnancy.

Maternity Package

In the maternity package you will find medical items needed during and after childbirth. You can apply for it at your health care provider. Make sure you have your maternity package before you are 37 weeks pregnant. Whether you want to give birth at home or in the hospital, you need a maternity package.

Birth Plan

In a birth plan you describe your wishes during the delivery. Some women find it nice to already prepare for the birth. It is intended to let people know what you want and what your expectations are towards us and the people in the hospital. What are your ideas and wishes? How do you want people to treat you?At the same time it is a way to discuss with your partner what your expectations are for the birth of your child. A birth plan will keep you involved in the events during labour and involve you in the decisions made. Even at times when it is difficult to let people know what you want. For more information and forms on the birth plan, see – birth plan.