36 weeks consult

We discuss at what point you should call when your contractions start. You also get information about the post natal period. If you would like to write an ordered plan you can also discuss that now. You will get an ultrasound to check if the baby is really down with his/her head.

You can also make a bithplan. In a birth plan you describe your wishes during the delivery. Some women find it nice to already prepare for the birth. It is intended to let people know what you want and what your expectations are towards us and the people in the hospital. What are your ideas and wishes? How do you want people to treat you?At the same time it is a way to discuss with your partner what your expectations are for the birth of your child. A birth plan will keep you involved in the events during labour and involve you in the decisions made. Even at times when it is difficult to let people know what you want. For more information and forms on the birth plan, see knov.nl – birth plan.